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Use, Conservation and Sanitation of PPE’s and EPC’s Course

Technical Name: NR 06 Use, Conservation and Sanitation Of PPE and EPC'S Course

Reference: 162931

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Use, Conservation and Sanitation of PPE’s and EPC’s Course
The Course Use, Conservation and Sanitation of PPE’s and EPC’s aims to establish the criteria for the control, maintenance, use and sanitation of Personal and Collective Protective Equipment, the use of which is mandatory by those who will carry out activities on the premises of the company or property.

What is Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)?
PPE is any device or product for individual use used by the worker, in order to protect him from sustainable risks threatening his safety and health. They are also responsible for minimizing the environmental risks of the work environment, accidents and occupational illnesses.

What is Collective Protection Equipment (EPC)?
EPC is all equipment used to protect all workers exposed to certain risks to their health and safety. Among them are: fire extinguishers; safety signs; eye washes and emergency showers.

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