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Curso Escavação Tubulão NR 18 em Inglês

f: bitroc

Technical Name: Manual Tubulão Excavation Activities Training Course NR 18 - Safety and Health Conditions in the Construction Industry

Reference: 171060

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Deep Fundation Excavation Course
The Tubular Excavation Course aims to establish standards and guidelines for quality continuity in the safety and health procedures of the team involved, maintaining an action plan in case of emergencies. The manually deep fundation excavated shall:
a) be jacketed in its entirety;
b) be carried out after drilling or local geotechnical study, for a depth greater than 3 m (three meters); and
c) have a minimum diameter of 0.9 m (ninety centimeters). Manual barrel excavation activity must be preceded by a rescue and removal plan.

Click on the Link: Criteria for Issuing Certificates in accordance with the Norms

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