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Activities In Classified Areas

Technical Name: Improvement Course On The Application Of Standards For Activities In Classified Areas

Reference: 158539

Ministramos Cursos e Treinamentos; Realizamos Traduções e Interpretações em Idioma Técnico: Português, Inglês, Espanhol, Mandarim, Alemão, Hindi, Japonês, Árabe e outros consultar

Improvement Course on the Application of Standards for Activities in Classified Areas

The purpose of the Activities in Classified Areas Training is to instruct and raise awareness among professionals about safe methods and procedures for work in classified areas. It is essential that the training be applied by thruly trained and qualified professional, aiming to guarantee the safety and health of the worker.

What is a Classified Area?

Classified Area is a space with the presence of voltage current and potencially explosive atmosphere, where there is a probability of occurrence, which presents the need for the implementation of special precautionary measures in construction, installation and use of electrical equipment.

Zone 0 Place where the formation of an explosive mixture is continuous or exists for long periods.
Zone 1 Place where the formation of an explosive mixture is likely to occur under normal operating conditions for process equipment.
Zone 2 Place where the formation of an explosive mixture is unlikely to happen and if it does, it is for short periods and is still associated with the abnormal operation of the process equipment.
Zone 20 Areas where the presence of the explosive atmosphere is permanent, for a prolonged or frequent period.
Zone 21 Areas where the presence of an explosive atmosphere may occasionally occur.
Zone 22 Areas where the formation of the explosive atmosphere exists due to the accumulation of accumulated dust and is unlikely, if it occurs, it is for a short time.

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